Baked Beans with Meatballs and Scrambled Egg | BIG Bites MY

Baked Beans with Meatballs and Scrambled Egg

When I have been away for a couple of weeks and there is not much in the fridge, this is a fast and easy solution. I will usually use minced pork but since I can only find sliced pork in my freezer, I have to mince it myself. It is still SO EASY LAH. The recipe shown here feeds one to two, just double up accordingly if you are cooking for more. It goes very well with a bowl of hot rice! Childhood era comfort food!
Watch video for step-by-step method of preparation


Prep time: 15 minutes 
Cooking time: 15 minutes 
Serving: 1 to 2 (increase portions accordingly if you are cooking for more)


  • 1 can baked beans (415g)
  • 1/8 cup (30ml) water
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon chopped garlic
  • 3 tablespoons (45ml) groundnut oil
  • Pork Meatballs
    • 100g lean pork slices
    • 1 teaspoon soy sauce
    • 1/8 teaspoon white pepper
    • 1 teaspoon corn flour

  1. Pork Meatballs:
    • Place pork slices in an electric chopper. Add soy sauce and white pepper. Cover and pulse a few times
    • Scrape down the sides. Add corn flour. Cover and chop until the pork is minced and the ingredients are well combined. 
    • Use a teaspoon to measure out the minced pork mixture and roll into meatballs
  2. Scrambled Egg:
    • Whisk egg and set aside
    • Heat up 3 tablespoons of groundnut oil over MEDIUM LOW heat
    • Pour in beaten egg and stir frequently to make scrambled egg
    • Once the egg is set, remove and set aside
  3. Pan fry meatballs over MEDIUM LOW heat using the same pan and the remaining oil from the scrambed egg
  4. Toss the meatballs around the pan so that they brown evenly
  5. When the meatballs are nicely browned, remove and set aside
  6. In the same pan, while the oil is still hot, add garlic. Saute until golden brown and aromatic over MEDIUM LOW heat.
  7. Add baked beans. Add water to the can to rinse out the remaining content and pour it into the pan. Stir to combine. 
  8. Add meatballs. Stir to combine and let it simmer over MEDIUM LOW heat for a few minutes.
  9. Add in the scrambled egg (I reserved some for garnishing). Stir to combine and it is ready to be served.
  10. Plate up and garnish with the remaining scrambled egg
