Savory Steamed Silky Egg Custard with Crispy Fried Shallots (Chinese Style) | BIG Bites MY (Panasonic Cubie)

Savory Steamed Silky Egg Custard with Crispy Fried Shallots

I was away for a couple of weeks and when I returned, all I had in my fridge were some eggs and shallots. Good enough to whip up an easy childhood dish. Comfort food!

It takes a bit of time to prepare the crispy shallots, but the eggs do not require much preparation at all! SO EASY LAH! The recipe shown here feeds 1 - 2, just double up accordingly if you are cooking for more. So good with hot rice! Comfort food!
Watch video for step-by-step method of preparation

Prep time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 25 - 30 minutes
Serving: 1 - 2 (increase portions accordingly if you are cooking for more)


  • 2 eggs
  • 120ml chicken stock
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon white pepper powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons groundnut oil
  • 2 shallots


  1. Crispy shallots & shallot oil:
    • Peel shallots and slice thinly
    • Add groundnut oil into pan and add sliced shallots. Stir occasionally.
    • When shallots turn light golden, remove from heat and separate the fried shallots and oil. The shallots will continue browning in the residue heat and will eventually turn golden brown. 
    • Set aside fried shallots and shallot oil for later
  2. Crack eggs into a measuring cup (80ml or 1/3 cup egg) and pour into a bowl and whisk
  3. Add salt and white pepper and continue whisking until the egg mixture is well combined
  4. Add 120ml of chicken stock and stir to combine
    Egg to stock or water ratio is 1 : 1.5
    80ml egg : 120ml stock
  5. Strain the egg mixture onto a steaming plate to remove air bubbles. If you prefer a silky smooth surface, you can pop the air bubbles with a torch.
  6. Cover plate with cling wrap to prevent water droplets from dripping in during the steaming process. Use a toothpick to prick some holes to let steam escape during steaming.
  7. Cooking time:
    • Panasonic Cubie: Steam setting, LOW, 15 - 20 minutes
    • Stove top: Bring water to boil in a pot and place a trivet / steamer rack in it. Steam over LOW HEAT for 25 - 30 minutes with the lid slightly ajar to let steam escape so that it doesn't get too hot in the pot. 
  8. When the steaming time is over, do the jiggle test. Jiggle the pot. If the egg mixture do not ripple, the egg custard have set and it is ready. If it is still rippling (the egg mixture is still watery and have not set), steam for another 5 minutes and jiggle the pot again to check. Repeat until the egg is set. 
  9. When the egg custard have set, remove from pan and remove the cling wrap. The surface should be smooth. 
  10. Drizzle soy sauce and 1 teaspoon of shallot oil. Swirl to cover the entire surface of the egg custard. Garnish with crispy fried shallots.
  11. Serve immediately before the shallots get soggy
  • The egg to liquid ratio is anywhere from 1 : 1 to 1 : 2. 
    You may use 1 part egg to 1 part liquid. This gives a firmer egg custard and it will be easier and faster to set. 
    Or you may use 1 part egg to 2 parts liquid. This combination gives you a silkier and softer egg custard but it will take a longer time to set.
  • Cooking time may differ each time you cook this dish. It all depends on the stove, the heat and how much steam is allowed to escape during the steaming process. So use your own judgement and do the ripple test. 
  • If it takes too long to set, you may fully cover the pan (no gap). Keep checking and open the lid to release the hot steam to prevent the pan from getting too hot.
  • If the pan gets too hot, the egg will balloon up like a loofah, and the texture will no longer be smooth and silky when it's cooked. It will be rough and spongy like a loofah and that is a failed steamed egg dish. 
